Monday, May 30, 2011


In the last two weeks CA Cop has worked 50+ hours of overtime. That is in addition to his regular full time shift.

I. Miss. Him. Terribly.


  1. That's close to $2800. I'm fairly sure I could get over it!!! :) Here's a hint...always put OT pay toward something fun, and then it always feels more worthwhile.

  2. Holy crap, i'm coming to his department. Most departments are skimping on the OT

  3. I cant imagine how you feel, I cannot go 2 days without missing him like crazy. Hang in there, everything will be fine :)

  4. Meadow, you know CA wages very well... yes there are definitely some benefits that we will be enjoying shortly.

    I know I was whining....I will get back to counting my blessings.

  5. You are absolutely not whining! You are a dang human being who misses her dang husband! If you can't vent to us, who can you vent to? ;)
